POP=ART: When Rock became Pop and Pop became Art
Posted by Rebeca Romero on 30th Jun 2016
Stijn Van de Voorde & Eva Goethals are 2 Belgian artists and music lovers. Last January they gave birth to POP=ART, a graphic project within the context of 60 years of Pop music. In case you didn't know it 60 years ago, Rock (and Roll) became Pop. And Pop became Art.
The series of illustrations Stijn and Eva Have created run through 60 years of popmusic in 60 quotes from 60 songs. One for each year.
The collection was exhibited at M-museum in Leuven, later the exhibition travelled to Hasselt.
EAST END PRINTS is excited to announce POP=ART music inspired prints are currently available in our website and that this July some of the prints from the collection will be showcased in Haggerston, London, thanks to a collaboration with THE ARCHIVIST
Stay tuned for more updates . In the meantime check out some of the best artworks from the POP=ART collection HERE.