Unleash Your Creativity: How to Design and Build Your Own Gallery Wall

Unleash Your Creativity: How to Design and Build Your Own Gallery Wall

12th Sep 2023

Are you tired of staring at blank walls in your home? Ready to unleash your creativity and design a space that reflects your unique style? Look no further than the art of gallery walls. Creating your own gallery wall is a fun and innovative way to transform any room into a personalised masterpiece.

In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of designing and building your own gallery wall. From choosing the perfect artwork to arranging it in a visually pleasing manner, we will provide you with all the tips and tricks you need to bring your vision to life. Whether you're a seasoned art collector or a beginner looking to dip your toes into the world of interior design, this guide is for you.

Discover how to mix and match different art styles, frame sizes, and colours to create a cohesive and eye-catching display. Learn about the types of artwork that work best in gallery walls, from paintings and photographs to prints and posters. Get inspired by real-life examples and see how others have used gallery walls to add personality and charm to their homes. Let your imagination run wild and get ready to transform your walls into a stunning showcase of your creativity.

Benefits of a gallery wall

A gallery wall is more than just a collection of artwork hung on a wall. It is a powerful design statement that can transform the entire look and feel of a room. There are several benefits to creating a gallery wall in your home.

Firstly, a gallery wall allows you to showcase your personal style and interests. It is an opportunity too curate a collection of artwork that speaks to you and reflects your personality. Whether you prefer bold and vibrant pieces or understated and minimalist designs, a gallery wall provides a platform for self-expression.

Secondly, a gallery wall adds depth and visual interest to a room. Instead of a single piece of art, a collection of artwork can create a dynamic focal point that draws the eye and invites exploration. The varying sizes, shapes, and colours of the artwork add dimension and texture to your space, making it more visually appealing.

Lastly, a gallery wall is a versatile design element that can be easily updated and changed. Unlike a large painting or mural, a gallery wall allows you to swap out individual pieces as your tastes and preferences evolve. This flexibility ensures that your space always feels fresh and curated.

Planning your gallery wall design

Before you start hanging artwork on your wall, it's important to plan out your gallery wall design. Taking the time to carefully consider the layout and arrangement of your artwork will ensure that your gallery wall looks cohesive and visually pleasing.

Start by measuring the wall space where you plan to create your gallery wall. This will help you determine how many pieces of artwork you will need and the sizes of the frames you should choose. Consider the overall theme or style you want to achieve and select artwork that complements each other.

Next, create a mock-up of your gallery wall design on the floor. Lay out the artwork in different configurations until you find a layout that you're happy with. Take a photo of the layout for reference when you start hanging the artwork on the wall.

Choosing the right wall for your gallery

The location of your gallery wall is just as important as the artwork itself. Choose a wall that is visible and easily accessible, such as a living room wall or a hallway. Avoid walls that are too narrow or cramped, as they may not provide enough space for your gallery wall to shine.

Consider the lighting in the room when selecting a wall for your gallery. Natural light can enhance the beauty of your artwork, so choose a wall that receives ample sunlight during the day. If natural light is limited, invest in good quality lighting fixtures that can illuminate your gallery wall.

Selecting artwork for your gallery wall

When selecting artwork for your gallery wall, the possibilities are endless. You can mix and match different art styles, frame sizes, and colours to create a unique and visually striking display. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right artwork for your gallery wall.

Start by considering the overall theme or mood you want to create. Do you want your gallery wall to have a cohesive colour palette or a mix of vibrant hues? Are you drawn to abstract paintings or black and white photography? By defining the style and theme of your gallery wall, you can narrow down your choices and create a more harmonious display.

Don't be afraid to mix different types of artwork on your gallery wall. Paintings, photographs, prints, and posters can all coexist in a gallery wall if chosen thoughtfully. Consider the sizes and shapes of the artwork to create an interesting and balanced composition. Play around with different combinations until you find the right balance.

Framing and arranging your artwork

Once you have selected your artwork, it's time to frame and arrange them on your gallery wall. The right framing can enhance the beauty of your artwork and tie the whole display together. Here are a few tips for framing and arranging your artwork.

Choose frames that complement the artwork without overpowering it. Simple and understated frames are often the best choice as they allow the artwork to take centre stage. Consider the colours and materials of the frames to create a cohesive look.

When arranging the artwork on your gallery wall, start by hanging the largest piece in the centre as a focal point. Then, arrange the smaller pieces around it, making sure to leave equal spacing between each frame. Step back and assess the arrangement from different angles to ensure that it looks balanced and visually pleasing.

Adding additional elements to your gallery wall

A gallery wall doesn't have to be limited to just artwork. You can add additional elements to create a more dynamic and personalised display. Here are a few ideas to consider:

- Mirrors: Hanging mirrors among the artwork can create the illusion of a larger space and reflect light, making your gallery wall even more visually appealing.

- Shelves: Installing small shelves on your gallery wall allows you to display three-dimensional objects such as sculptures, vases, or small plants.

- Wall decals: Adding removable wall decals or stickers can add a touch of whimsy and creativity to your gallery wall.

Experiment with different elements and see what works best for your space and personal style.

Hanging your gallery wall

Hanging a gallery wall may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be a breeze. Here are some steps to help you hang your gallery wall:

Start by gathering the necessary tools, including a tape measure, a level, a pencil, and a hammer or drill. Measure the wall and mark the positions where you want to hang each piece of artwork. Use a level to ensure that your marks are straight.

Next, install the appropriate hanging hardware on the back of each frame. For heavier pieces, use wall anchors or screws. For lighter pieces, picture hooks or adhesive hooks may be sufficient.

Once the hardware is in place, it's time to hang your artwork. Start with the focal point of your gallery wall and work outwards. Use your marks as a guide and hang each piece, making sure it is level and securely attached to the wall.

Maintaining and updating your gallery wall

Once your gallery wall is complete, it's important to maintain and update it regularly to keep it looking fresh and vibrant. Here are some tips for maintaining and updating your gallery wall:

- Dust your artwork regularly to keep it clean and free from debris. Use a soft, dry cloth or a feather duster to gently remove any dust.

- Consider rotating the artwork on your gallery wall every few months to keep it interesting. This allows you to showcase different pieces and prevents the display from becoming stale.

- If you're adding new artwork to your collection, take the opportunity to update your gallery wall. Remove a few pieces and replace them with the new additions, ensuring that the overall composition remains balanced.


Designing and building your own gallery wall is a creative and exciting process that allows you to showcase your personal style and interests. By following the tips and guidelines provided in this article, you can create a stunning gallery wall that transforms your space into a work of art. So unleash your creativity, choose the perfect artwork, and get ready to design a gallery wall that reflects your unique personality.